Flow Meter Monitoring (EFM)
Manual “pen-to-paper” collection of production data is prone to human error. We understand the rough conditions of working in the field and how corners can too easily be cut.
The EFM solution remotely captures flow data and instantaneously uploads it to secure cloud storage, in addition to sending alerts if a site has encountered absnormal operating conditions.
With our EFM monitoring solution, you won’t waste valuable time driving to oilfields to manually gather flow data nor wait for delayed data reporting. In essence, by using our EFM solution, you’ll save money and time otherwise spent on inefficient flow measuring processes.
Bluetick’s Electronic Flow Meter monitoring is a key component in bringing your oilfield into the digital era. The ability to remotely measure oilfield flow rates gives you real time production data and provides the information necessary to take any preventative, or repair, actions. Call us today to schedule a demonstration or to learn more about the Bluetick difference.