
The Bluetick Land Management System (LMS) includes a robust solution for oil and gas land contract management, which gives you the freedom to create, manage and visualize important agreements.

The Bluetick LMS speeds up the creation of Agreements such as Assignments, Joint Operating agreements, Farmouts, Salt Water Disposal agreements and other custom agreement types important for your operation. By using an attachment functionality you can include scanned documents, provisions, payments and recordings / instruments that help add additional depth to the record.

Bluetick extends the power of this oil and gas land contract management system by giving you the ability to attach a collection of leases, tracts, wells, or right of ways. For example, users can create an agreement and quickly attach all leases in a Unit or attach all tracts in an area of mutual interest (AMI). This process quickly allows you to create an agreement, attach a collection of leases and then generate an Exhibit in mere minutes.

Fast Exhibit Creation in Minutes, Not Days

What used to take hours or days to create an exhibit can now be executed in minutes. Users can generate reports for a collection of agreements that contain lease, tract and recording information. Payments for agreements are appear in the general payment reports and automated payment reports, as well as the Bluetick LMS eCalendar.

Custom Agreement Mapping

When viewing an agreement in the Bluetick LMS, users can also view their project map with highlighted sections for all the tracts on the given agreement. Our dynamic visual representations give you the ability to toggle on and off critical data laid over a map of land tracts. Custom layers can be turned on and off in the map for users to view other pertinent data such as statuses, expirations and agreement coverage. Users can generate a plat map for their records that includes an optional title bar, company logo and/or legend.

Want To Know More?

Give us a call today to learn more about our SCADA solutions and how they can be part of your digital, big data, optimized oilfield future.

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