
Robust Reporting Tools for Fast Analysis and Smarter Decision Making

The Bluetick Land Management System (LMS) will never hold your data hostage! The system provides a variety of dynamic tools for oil and gas reporting that makes data analysis quick and convenient. From tract ownership and leasehold data to working interest and overrides; the Bluetick LMS puts the data you need at your fingertips and in a format that’s functional and easy to manage.

Unlimited Reporting Options, Filtered for Fast Retrieval

Bluetick offers a variety of predefined reports loaded with filter options to speed up data inquiries for oil and gas reporting. Users can decide to search by Lessor or Lessee, by lease status or type, by unit or prospect, and even by depth formation, and more. Lease data can be grouped by tract for displaying and totaling leased and unleased acreage. Right of Ways can even be exported by company or region. Given the abundant amount of individual reports and abundant filter options, you can create an endless variety of custom oil and gas reporting options.

Build Custom Oil and Gas Reporting Tailored to Your Goals

Bluetick found that while there are many options for its users to generate oil and gas reporting; often times users simply want to create and structure a custom report for themselves. The Report Builder tool gives you the opportunity to customize reports specific to your needs. You can create tract, ownership, or lease reports, for instance, and then add any available field relevant to your reporting needs. Filter options are available for each field and multiple sorting levels are included. Users can save their report to run on a scheduled cycle and share with other users.

Want To Know More?

Give us a call today to learn more about our SCADA solutions and how they can be part of your digital, big data, optimized oilfield future.

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