Land Management System Key Features

Tract Management

Bluetick’s tract-based Land Management System (LMS) provides the user with the automated tools necessary to manage both tracts and ownership. With LMS, the user can create ownership easily by adding owners to tracts or tracts to owners. Once entered, this ownership becomes the basis for creating leases, permits, ROWs, and others.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Create and export ownership reports
  • Increase data entry efficiency by copying ownership when managing a large number of owners or tracts
  • Create projects to segregate data and limit user access. Once created, search, sort, and map project data allowing the team to more readily acquire the information it needs
  • Create any number of boundary definitions within a project, including AMIs, fields, prospects, and units. Split tracts to create sub-tracts when crossing boundary edges
  • Enter title chain for an owner, providing an online history of ownership
  • Manage surface ownership and mineral ownership including those with depth severances

Land Management

LMS lease management features were developed to enhance the user’s ability to provide real time project information to anyone in the enterprise. The system supports field data entry directly by landmen, eliminating the need for redundant data entry. The online forms, including leases, LPRs, exhibits, bank drafts, checks and others, allow for timely and accurate management of leases. LMS provides the tools needed to successfully manage even the most complex leasing projects.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Manage rental and shut-in payments
  • Manage multiple lease types from standard leases to third party leases, nominations, protection leases, remainder leases, receivership leases, and others
  • Manage and update lease provisions and terms
  • Upload and attach unlimited scanned documents in MS Word, MS Excel, PDF, JPEG and others
  • Update project with enhanced tools such as copy leases, mass lease status change, among others
  • Create unlimited custom lease forms, including rental recommendations, leases, contracts, offer letters, and others

GIS Mapping

Often the most valuable capability for a land department is its ability to produce high quality maps in a timely manner. Bluetick’s GIS mapping features takes mapping to a new level by joining maps with data entered into LMS. As data is updated or changed, the maps are automatically updated. The system is capable of overlaying roads, rivers, pipelines, wells, topographic, aerial, 3D relief, and other layers with a simple click of a mouse. By using the industry standard esri ArcGIS platform, the user can also import federal, state, and county data directly into the LMS mapping environment.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Utilize the power and capabilities of the esri ArcGIS platform
  • Create plat maps or enhanced maps with tract shading based on leasehold percentage, contract status or competitor leases directly from the database
  • Use ArcGIS Desktop to modify shapefiles and upload those files to the server for automatic system integration
  • Utilize auto “zooming” when viewing tracts, owners, leases, permits, or other features to readily map and visualize key data
  • Initiate an automated email request to the mapping group to update a tract’s shape when plat data is changed

Pipeline, Crossings & ROWs

Pipeline, ROW and crossing projects have their own unique requirements. Bluetick’s LMS system provides an easy to use, secure interface to manage all aspects of these projects from costs to requirements. The system allows the user to manage the entire pipeline project, from acquisition to construction and maintenance.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Manage pipeline location, right of way ownership, and crossing agreements for rivers, roads, railroads, and other crossings
  • Manage costs associated with ROW, including acquisition, crop damage, construction damage, additional temporary work space, among other costs
  • Manage ROW requirements and tract conditions
  • Attach scanned documents, including courthouse recordings
  • View GIS maps with separate layers for ROWs, pipelines, and crossings

Agreement Management

Simplify the process, from the smallest confidentiality agreement to the largest joint operating agreement. Bluetick LMS has the tools to support all agreement requirements, including assignments, purchase and sale agreements, roadway usage, saltwater disposal, bill of sale, title opinion, mineral deed, and others.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Manage courthouse recordings as well as rental and other payments
  • Shorten the process of managing agreements with the auto fill tool for rapid lookup of similar or recently used provisions
  • Attach agreements to tracts, from a single tract to a large number of tracts bound by a prospect, unit, field, or AMI.

Seismic/Surface Permit Management

LMS provides robust seismic permitting features to allow the team to meet every project need. Secure field data entry by landmen or permit agents dynamically updates GIS maps providing real time permit status representation.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Import data from tax rolls at project initiation
  • Create unlimited custom permit forms and use the mail merge feature for mass mailings at project inception
  • Upload and attach unlimited scanned documents in MS Word, MS Excel, PDF, JPEG and others
  • Gain data entry efficiencies with the ability to copy similar permits
  • Manage tract conditions and permit terms
  • Dynamically integrated with GIS mapping to provide real time, permit status representation

Exhibits & Pooling

Use our Exhibit tool to generate and store for later use a list of Tracts, Owners and Lease content for inclusion in a wide variety of documents. Additionally, use the Pooling tool to create and store a list of Tracts, Owners and Lease content for use in force integrating (Pooling) land for unitizing or creating field wide units.

Key “Exhibits” functionality allows the user to:

  • Quickly identify lists if owners to be used for an Exhibit
  • Add parties to the exhibit with ease
  • Attach scanned documents to Exhibits
  • Export Exhibits to Word documents
  • Quickly identify leasehold, lease status and expirations of leases on exhibit

Key “Pooling” functionality allows the user to:

  • Quickly identify lists if owners to be used for an Exhibit
  • Add parties to the exhibit with ease
  • Attach scanned documents to Pooling Orders
  • Export Pooling Orders to Word documents
  • Quickly identify leasehold, lease status and expirations of leases on Pooling
  • Set Pooling Status for each party in the list for management of the various stages of the pooling process

Time & Expense

Manage your contractor’s pay as well as billing your clients with our Time and Expense module. Users can submit timesheets electronically along with their scanned receipts and allow managers and accounting department approval for efficient and accurate delivery.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Users may be assigned hourly or day rates
  • Create project specific pay rates and also Billing rates for users
  • Require users to select from a predefined list of Billing Tasks
  • Require users to select from a predefined list of Expense Types
  • Set Project specific rates for Billing Tasks
  • Set Project specific limits for Expense Types
  • Allow for Approval process for both Managers and Accounting
  • Print summary reports by project for standard or client billing
  • Export data to excel for easy import into your accounting system
  • Setup for Quickbooks Integration for seamless transfer of time and expense


Bluetick LMS is not an Accounting system; however, we do provide many Accounting tools to help you manage your daily monetary activities. Print Lease and Permit checks right from this system and generate Client Invoices, Check Requests and Bank Authorizations as well.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Create payments for Leases, Permits, ROWs and Agreements
  • Create and print Bank Drafts
  • Create and print Bank Draft Authorizations
  • Allow users to create Check Requests for a list of payments
  • Create Invoices for Clients for reimbursement of payments
  • Export payments to excel for integration into your accounting system
  • Setup for Quickbooks Integration for seamless transfer of payments


Get the data you need, when you need it, to the people who need it most. Use the LMS standard reports or customize them with numerous filter options to sort and present data in the best possible manner. Create custom reports with our easy to use report wizard.

Key functionality allows the user to:

  • Utilize LMS standard reports, including leasehold, rental payments, expirations, ROWs and other reporting categories
  • Create customizable tract, ownership, leasehold, and exploration reports to meet unique requirements
  • Establish automated email delivery of reports, including rental payments due and expirations. Delivery options customizable for periodic delivery (e.g. 5 day, 30 day, 60 day)
  • Export all reports directly to MS Excel or MS Word

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